Trips: Warm Hands – Warm Hearts?

Tuesday, Dec. 29, Glenn Haake and I (Matt McClure) met at Maramec Spring park.  Temps were rather frigid but we both dressed appropriately.  Only struggle was keeping hands warm.  We started off in the park and immediately got onto a few fish. My goal was to go with some smaller fly selections;  Size 18-20.  After catching a few in the early morning, we decided to head outside the park.  Goose egg for Matt and Glenn with one trout.  We actually did not spot a lot of fish outside the park.  Flow was low.  
We headed back to our cars for lunch and then fished the afternoon back in the park where again it was pretty slow but we were able to put a couple more fish in the bag.  Glenn did well in the afternoon fishing Crackleback on the dropper and Beadhead Soft Hackle on the point. I reversed that order putting the Beadhead Soft Hackle as dropper and Crackleback for point.  Glenn’s fly position did better.  I also stripped a Wooly Bugger with no success.  The flies that caught fish were Rainbow Warrior, Barr’s Emerger, Cerise Worm, Beadhead Soft Hackle and Crackleback.  
Even though the weather was frigid, Glenn and I were able to find some peace on the river and enjoy each others fellowship.  We ended up packing up and heading out around 4pm.
We decided to not take photos as we were more interested in keeping our fingers warm and not fumble around with the camera.  Besides, you all know what fish look like. ?
Matt McClure

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