Trips: I’ve Got EURO On My Mind

Another group of FATC men headed out to fish the waters of the Current river this past Tuesday, September 22nd.  The trip started out with Charlie Trankler wanting a little help with his Euro-Style Nymphing (ESN) techniques to get ready for his upcoming Colorado trip. When the trip was put on the FATC calendar it grew each day into a full-blown brotherhood trip. I lost count but I think ten men made the trip to Montauk State park and the Current river.  Along with Kenny Klimes and Charlie Trankler, Dave Beerbower, Dave Wilton, Vernon Preston, Scott Payne, Jim Petersen, John best, Bill Cotner and Al Blair made the trip.

It was an awesome day as the temperatures were cool and the skies were cloudy – ideal fly-fishing weather. The guys split up after arriving at the park for different sections of the river. Some fished outside the park at Tan Vat and Below the Cable while others fished inside the park’s fly fishing only section. In the morning, the park and outside the park had other fly fishers enjoying the day but as usual those areas thinned out in the afternoon. Everyone seemed to catch fish and reports of a great day of fishing were talked about during dinner.  Rainbows were caught in the park while rainbows and some browns were netted outside the park.  The best flies were cracklebacks, soft hackles, perdigon flies, hares ear caddis, woolybuggers, and more.  Most reported that the majority of trout caught were in the faster moving water.

But let’s talk about this craze to learn ESN. Not only was Charlie Trankler practicing his ESN but so was Dave Wilton and Jim Petersen. Kenny Klimes fished ESN all day too with great success. Jim even bought an ESN rod that Kenny was selling right on the spot. ESN is highly effective especially when the water is moving swiftly. The ESN style is another technique to have in your bag of tricks. If interested let us know and we can help you get started.

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