Trips: It’s all About “Choice”

Sometimes we just have to make a choice and on Tuesday, 8/30 which is normally my golf day with buddies I decided, no I’m fishing. So I posted a trip and Bob Hassett and Jim Craig were pushover’s to join me. We met Tuesday at the commuter lot and had a pleasant ride to the Montauk lodge.
We learned that our good buddy Dan Staggenborg was at Montauk and we decided to meet up with him at the lodge and he would join us at Tan Vat. We made the needed pit stop, got our tags for the afternoon in the park then drove to Tan Vat for the morning fishing.
Catching was slow and I wasn’t seeing many fish. I think the fish count for the four of us was 10. I can’t remember if I came in fourth or last. It is a beautiful part of the stream and I would like to fish it more often to learn it better. Did I mention that I was the only one wet wading. (Literally)
After lunch Dan had to head back to the penalty box and the rest of us went to fish inside the park for the afternoon. It was very obvious the family vacations are over with, as the park was much less crowded.
The fish were more plentiful and the catching much better. The fish couldn’t decide what they wanted to eat so we fed them everything from midges to Trico spinners. Changing flies often seem to get you a fish or two. Bob had the best luck with the House of Payne fly below an egg pattern. Why didn’t I think of that.
We called it a day about 4:30 and got ready to go for dinner. We opted for American Taco which is a quick meal that everyone likes. The drive home was easy and the company was great. This fellowship we have is amazing. Get out and fish.

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