Trips: “Hey, I know you guys!”

Imagine how cool this would be for our fellowship if this happened.  After a fellowship dinner you go up to the counter to pay for your meal.  A man you have never seen before gives you a look and says,”hey, I know you guys!! You’re Kenny Klimes and You’re Jim Craig from the Flyfishers at The Crossing!  I read your web site all the time and I want to join your fellowship!!”.  Now if that would happen how cool would that be for our fellowship.  God has a way of building our fellowship – His way.

Well, I have to say it did happen – just like that.  A gentleman at Hicks BBQ was so excited to meet us that before he would let us go he had to show us the fly rod that his father made for him.  He will be moving back to St Louis soon and will definitely join us then (I know he is probably reading this and we would be honored to have him as a member!)

Now for a quick trip report 🙂    Jim Craig and Kenny Klimes were the only ones that signed up for a trip to Cardiac Hill this past Monday (yes, this trip was announced on our calendar).  Mike Oldani had to miss it at the last minute – work got in the way.  Jim and Kenny got on the water early and immediately headed upstream to fish.  They did well in the morning swinging black and olive mohair leeches and dead drifting rubberlegged stoneflies and cerise worms.  The water flow is slowing and getting clearer so Kenny tried some small flies – a small hatch was taking place but no luck. The big stuff was the ticket all day.  They met a young man named Zach on the river who said he would look into joining the FATC – always spreading the word.  They fished downstream in the afternoon all the way to Suicide Hill.  The afternoon fishing slowed down some but some nice browns and rainbows were caught.  Surprise!! – the 90 degree bend produced just ONE FISH all day.  Shocking since we slayed them there just three days earlier. Well, that’s fishing!!  The weather has been awesome and the Spring fishing has been very good.  Find a trip on the FATC calendar and go along but better yet, if you can fish put your trip on the calendar and I’m positive that you will get guys to join you.

Now that winter is over Kenny has put away his “Apricot yellow” jacket (it’s NOT banana yellow) and is wearing all black; black top, black buff etc…..  When he was asked why he is now wearing black he just said because of this…


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