Trips/Events: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship! Altar meets FATC.

Trips/Event: The Start of a Beautiful Friendship – Altar meets FATC

This trip/event reminds me of the last line in the famous movie Casablanca. “This is the start of a beautiful friendship.” The trip was set up last October 2022 with Altar Fly Fishing. This organization we met in 2019 at the Denver Fly Fishing. Their mission was similar to ours, so it made for a perfect marriage. If you remember we hosted their “Pastor Trip” in November 2021 and will host again in November 2023. But this time it was different. They were hosting us – your FATC – during a trip to the Driftless area in southern Wisconsin. Twelve FATC members were going to the Altar retreat to learn to reset, renew, restore, rest, and find our rhythm of our souls. Unfortunately, and sadly for me one of our members had to drop out last minute because his dad was extremely sick. For those that know Jim Craig, our Board of Director’s Secretary and Fly fishing and tying instructor, his father passed away during the first day of the retreat. Jim, we all send our deepest sympathies to you and your family.

But eleven FATC men joined Kenny (who had the privilege of working on the Altar staff during the retreat). They were Steve Darr. Steve Baker, Harold Bates, Al Blair, Al Harper, John Muckerman, Sterling Short, Derrik Kassebaum, Matt McClure, Ken Welter, and Dave Beerbower. The retreat was from Wednesday through Sunday in Viroqua, Wisconsin.

I (Kenny) arrived on Tuesday to be part of the Altar staff. We pre-fished Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning to find out the best streams to fish and the best flies to use. The staff had a great Mexican dinner at a local restaurant in Viroqua, WI on Tuesday evening and discussed the “plans” for the retreat. The FATC guys arrived around 3:30pm on Wednesday to check into their VRBO homes for the retreat and met up with all at 6pm for dinner. Our retreat began Wednesday night with introductions and first night retreat material.

The retreat would examine two critical areas of life – our souls and our rhythms. The Altar team presented each with a leather-bound workbook for the retreat. Eric Camfield, President of Altar, lead the retreat each day and said we would be solving for “R” in the equation R=6+1. To understand more on that it would be best to ask our FATC guys that attended. I have a good feeling that they would be working on that for the rest of the year. We took time to “read the waters of life” just as we do when we fly fish. We discussed our “Habits of Delight” and began to write our 6+1 plan for our future. I will share comments below that the attendees had on attending this retreat. It’s in their own words.

The fishing for wild brown trout was also a treat. On Thursday and Friday, the FATC with the guides from Altar fished various locations and with different guides each day. Jason Randall and Eric Camfield did their best to reach each FATC member while they fished to give them instruction and advice on how to become better at their sport. Many wild brown trout were caught in these special streams in the driftless area. On Saturday afternoon Jason Randall and guide Kevin Sakas taught lessons in fishing dry droppers and euro style nymphing. Every one of our guys raved about the outstanding teaching. And several FATC guys tried their luck at trying out the new techniques.

All in all this retreat/fly fishing trip is one that we will be talking about for some time. The food was unbelievably good and lots of it. Our chefs Jo Randall and Maureen Starmack did a formidable job of keeping us fed. The retreat touched many a heart of the FATC guys. And the fly-fishing instruction was top notch.

We are already in the planning stages of doing another retreat to the driftless area in May 2024. If you want in, then don’t pass it by when we announce the details. Unfortunately, we can only have twelve FATC per retreat. We all want to thank Altar Fly Fishing for what they do during the many retreats they do each year. Do not miss when Altar Fly Fishing comes to Missouri for their Pastor trip this November 2023. We will be sponsoring and hosting them here and will always need volunteers. Interested? Contact us!

I asked for some comments from our FATC guys when they finished the retreat. Here is what some said about their experience:

Several days of prayer, study, and introspection surrounded by my FATC brothers, led and guided by the Godly men of Altar Fly Fishing. Not what I expected but exactly what I needed.

As we learn that there is a rhythm to fly fishing, there are also rhythms to life. This includes patience and taking time to enjoy the beauty that fills each day.

I walked away with a roadmap to incorporate healthy “rhythms” in my life and pause to delight in God’s creation.

A time of insightful reflection and energizing renewal, a time to reinvigorate my soul and chart a course for the sustained health of my soul.

I found it easy to get close to God in the midst of old friends, His glorious creation, and the Wisconsin Driftless area.

I came away with a deeper reverence for God. Committing to obey God’s commandment to keep one day holy for Him.

It helped me to realize that I have a strong need and desire to discover and nurture my soul.

“A spiritual re-awaking” combined with great fly fishing experience.

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