Maramec/Meramec – Just Checking

Maramec or Meramec, so which is it? You tell me if you know (just respond below this report).

New member Paul Jacoby asked Kenny Klimes to go with him to Maramec Spring park to help him with some of his fishing techniques. And lo and behold, they were surprised by a visit from Matt McClure and Jim Craig. It was an awesome day with sunshine and temps in the 50s, so of course, the park had more fishermen than normal in December.

Jim Craig headed outside the park to the Meramec river to check it out. He worked it until about noon and returned to the park for lunch. He said outside the park was not too good. Not sure why but we did find out that not as many brown trout were stocked this year in the Meramec river. Maybe they are just hiding out due to the COVID virus.

Matt, Paul, and Kenny stayed inside the park. It was extra instruction for Paul as Kenny set his rod on the shoreline to help Paul. Paul worked on his casting and dead drifting and by the end of the day he was doing surprisingly well. Just shows that practice makes perfect. He missed a few and brought in a couple to the net. Matt stayed in the park and said it was crowded throughout. He also brought a few to the net. Kenny did well by euro-nymphing and using a new fly “he invented” called the “Hair of the Dog”. He used the fur of his Son’s dog, Gilly, to tie several of these “special flies”. The fly is tied similar to the Walt’s worm fly – YES, IT’S ON OUR WEBSITE! He had about eight trout in the net with this fly and technique.

The afternoon fishing was slower than the morning, but more fish were caught. Soft hackles and woolybuggers did well. Jim Craig and Matt McClure had to leave before the siren, but Kenny and Paul stayed to continue to work on technique. With Christmas approaching it will be a good time to get on the river. Please be safe and have a Merry Christmas

2 Responses

  • Oh my gosh… I was at Maramec Springs Park fishing on the Tuesday 12/22 also. I’m a new member of FATC and had I known that Kenny and other members were there I could have sought them out and introduced myself. I could have rang Kenny up. I had a couple of vacation days that I had to use or loose and I decided to go to Maramec at the last minute and I arrived late about 9:30 AM. I checked the FATC calendar and didn’t see an outing planned prior to heading out. I understand that others probably decided to go at the last minute also.

    A very good manner gentleman complemented me on my casting and afterwards, after seeing Kenny’s trip report I was wondering if he was a member of FATC. I didn’t have the thought to ask him at the time but after perusing some of the photographs on the FTAC website I’m know convinced that the gentleman was Matt McClure. I told him that I was stripping Cracklebacks at the time but I only had landed three fish thus far. He told me he was heading back to the car to swap out his Euro-rod for his other fly rod because the crowds limited spots available for his preferred Euro-rod techniques. This was the first time I fished Maramec since late years Winter season when I did well on Cracklebacks. I switched to nymphs later in the day and had better success.

    As to Maramec or Meramec question, this is my understanding—the trout park is spelled Maramec Springs Park and it dumps into the Meramec River. Meramec State Park (no trout) outside of Sullivan uses the spelling of the river along as everything else except the trout park which is privately owned park run by The James Foundation and MDC manages the trout fishing and hatchery.

    As the late Chuck Tryon talked about it in one of this books, during the 1800’s when place names were being registered back east the spelling Maramec was petitioned for the river and the spring based on the name of the Maramec Iron Works business on the site of the spring. The folks back East assumed that uneducated Ozarker’s were mistaken and established the name Meramec instead. However the James Foundation keep the original spelling, “Maramec”.

    Merry Christmas Everyone!
    Best regards,
    –Brian Ellis

  • So Close Brian!! Yes, several of us made a late night decision to fish Maramec Spring Park on Tuesday. That sure was Matt that complimented your casting. Matt, did report to us that he met you (didn’t know who you were) and you told him cracklebacks were working well. I was with Paul all day helping him (he’s brand new to fly fishing). We were fishing mainly at the confluence of the fast moving water and the pool runoff near the beginning of the park. I was doing some euro-nymphing in the morning and swinging soft hackles and Barr’s emergers in the afternoon but mostly helping Paul. Did well for the little fishing that I really did – had about 13 in the net. Sorry I missed you. I look forward to meeting you for real, next time.

    Good story on the spelling difference.!!

    P.S. There is only one spring!?! 😉

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