Events: The 2023 FATC Charity Dinner!

Our 2023 annual FATC charity dinner was more than a success, it was fantastic (at least the latest reports say that). Our 12th annual FATC charity dinner was held last Monday, March 6th. We had a record number of attendees (117), and we brought in a record number of donations for our three charities (slightly over $14,000 after expenses). But that is not what I am most excited about. The fellowship was superb, the videos were exceptional, the raffle donations were impressive but best of all our wives and guests seemed to have a fun time throughout the evening.

Before I tell you about the evening, I would be remiss if I did not thank all those that worked so hard on putting this all together. From the beginning planning stages to the set up of the evening there were so many behind the scenes making this one great night. Plus, I have to thank the many companies, organizations and individuals that donated raffle items. We had rods, reels, dinners, trips, vacation packages, etc., a big thank you to all!! We could not have put this together without your help!

The evening started quickly as all attending showed up at 6pm. Raffle tickets were bought, friends met at the ‘open’ bar for friendly conversation, and the dinner was off to a flying start. As all were seated, Kenny showed videos of our three charities (Casting for Recovery, Project Healing Waters, and the Mayfly Project) to allow everyone to understand the reason for the evening. I even think Kenny got a little teary eyed after watching the videos. John Muckerman led us in prayer and then all had an awesome dinner put on by Andre’s West. They do an excellent job every time and the leftovers were donated to charity for the homeless.

After dinner everyone had time to finish buying their raffle tickets and put their tickets in the bags corresponding to the gifts they would love to win. Our 2022 FATC awards were next. Jim Craig was presented the Miles Meyer Fly Fishing Tournament plaque (which he gets to keep for a year). Our FATC awards were won by Bob Hassett (Lew Smith ‘Spirit of Fly Fishing’ award), Harold Bates (Bob Chott ‘Servant’s Heart award) and Brian Yost (The Chairman’s ‘Going Above and Beyond’ award). All three were very deserving recipients. Then things got a little lighter as Kenny introduced the “heads/tails” game to all. Denny Garner outlasted the rest of the crowd to win a dinner and a beautiful fly-fishing frame of Kenny holding a massive fish! I am sure he will change that picture out! The top thirty raffle had six men who signed up early for the dinner go home with some gifts thanks to the Mayfly Project.

Then Kenny asked all of the ladies there to make sure they had their purses with them. If not, tell their husbands to get them from the car and get ready to play the “what’s in my purse” game. Kenny read off ten items that would be in a women’s purse and the lady with the most items would be the winner of a dinner “On the Hill” and some romantic body wash and lotion. I am sure the guys would like that too!! This was truly a battle between about seven ladies until just Rachel Yost and Nancy Staggenborg were the only two left. Nancy won the show down when Rachel could not produce a “coupon.” I guess it pays to shop at Kohls!

We then presented our FATC ‘2022 in Review’ video which Pete Drochelman put together for our enjoyment. What a showstopper the video was! Pete did an outstanding job creating a masterpiece to show others who we are as a fellowship. If you missed it, we will have it on our website soon. Around 9pm we raffled off all of our gifts. The pictures will show you who were the lucky winners (and a few won twice!!??). At 10pm the dinner ended – success. But before everyone left, we passed out Clean Up Mo bags to all. This movement sponsored by City Wide Brewing and Gateway Trout Unlimited is passing out mesh bags to be filled with any trash you find along our rivers. Then if you take a picture of you and your trash-filled bag and send it to CLEANUPMO.COM you will be entered in a drawing for some great prizes. So, get a bag from us and fill it up!

So, there you have it, a successful and wonderful charity dinner. All I can say is THANK YOU for all that you do for our fellowship. How can you do more? Just be more involved – that would be a great start!

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