Forum Home Ask the Sensei Metal cleats

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    • #7057
      Barry Dunnegan

      Oh Sensei, it seems counterintuitive to me but why are steel cleats on wading boots more secure on rocks than good old rubber soles with waffle treads? What is the science behind it? Seems to me cleats will not grip a rock!

    • #7112

      Oh inquisitive grasshopper:

      After several years at our Sensei fly fishing school we found if one regards the changes of the frictional forces during the first several centimeters of slide on a horizontal rock as transitions from static to dynamic conditions, the relatively constant coefficient finally reached is the coefficient of dynamic friction for that particular speed. Likewise the nearly constant speed which is attained after the first several centimeters of motion down the inclined rock represents the equilibrium speed for that particular angle of incline.

      But I digress. In non-sensei terms, first it is not steel that is needed but aluminum. Think of an aluminum canoe that you are taking over a shoal or rocky riffle. The aluminum canoe grabs and holds tight to the rocks below and you have to “pull” your stuck canoe to deeper waters. So is it with aluminum cleats. They grab the rocks as you walk on the bottom, like tiny little ninja hands working for you. Rock Treads are aluminum disks that hold tight to your boots and to the river bottom.

    • #7119

      Great answer Sensei! Barry, your intuition is correct, anything that isn’t aluminum for wading studs are actually worse for you in the river. Yes they may cut the slime, but once the steel hits the rock, you make what we call a skip point. The steel, or carbide, is generally harder then the rock. Aluminum however is softer then the rock, so it cuts to goop and sticks to the rock.

      We have a coupon for your group to receive 30% off enter ourfatc at checkout on !

      Wade Safer, Wade Harder with Rock Treads!

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