Forum Home Fly Fishing Tips and Techniques Leaders and tippet,

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    • #5460

      I came across this article on leaders and tippet that I thought was interesting and may be useful. Does anyone add tippet material to your leaders before fishing them? During the summer I have been using a furled leader on my 4 weight and will be getting some new Cutthroat leaders for the four and five. I like the way they cast a dry and I use it for nymphing as well.


    • #5462
      Kenny Klimes

      Very Interesting article. It references for “Dry Fly” fishing which you do want to fish with a longer than normal (9′) leader. Obviously if you fish with a furled leader you will be adding tippet material – probably some 3-4 feet depending on the size of your fly and technique that you will be fishing. I have been using 7 1/2 ft leaders (3x or 4x), adding a tippet ring and then adding tippet in lengths of 2-4 feet of one size tippet depending on the size of the fly I am fishing.

    • #5477

      I have been following your suggestion for using the tippet rings this spring and it is definitely a great way to save money on leaders while nymphing and I don’t see why you couldn’t do the same with a nine-foot leader for dry fly fishing. Add the ring and then three feet of tippet to the fly. I was also reading about removing the shine from your tippet while dry fly fishing. How would you do that without harming your tippet? I seem to recall them selling a “Mud” that was made of clay. You would rub a small amount on the tippet and remove the shine but don’t recall seeing any in the catalogs. I probably have some clay laying around from my potters days but it has other materials mixed in.


    • #5831

      I always use approx. 3~5ft of Flourocarbon Tippett. I’ll use a mono leader, but flouro tippet in MO waters. I personally would stay away from dulling the Tippett, especially flouro. Rio, SA, Orvis, etc research & engineer their line to be as invisible as possible. I would think that if dull flouro was better then they would manufacture it that way. I believe part of the clear / shiny attributes of flouro tippet is light passes through it and or refractory properties to make it as invisible as possible. If fishing waters with extremely spooky wild trout then a guide I used recently in CO recommended a flouro leader and flouro tippet. In MO waters and especially the trout parks then you should be able to save a few bucks by using a mono leader and spend a little more on flouro tippet.

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